On a drizzly May afternoon, a man in gray sweatpants and a black
Bengals hoodie sold a half-gram of heroin for $70 inside a dingy market
on the west side of Cincinnati. The buyer was a plainclothes police
officer; the seller was promptly handcuffed. The bust was the first of
two that a team of local police would make that Thursday and one of
several heroin-related cases to cross their radios: Three people
overdosed, and another was caught driving under the influence. Compared
with some days in their district, it was pretty slow. Heroin has become so pervasive
in cities such as Cincinnati and so profitable for the cartels that
supply it that even cops admit the sporadic arrests they make have
little effect. “It’s really not going to make any impact out on the
street,” says Detective Brandon Connley, speaking from the damp parking
lot outside the market. “Everybody and their mom sells drugs these days.
There’s always somebody right there to pick back up.”
Millions of Americans got hooked on pain pills during a
prescription binge that started in the 1990s and peaked around 2011. As
states have tightened monitoring and doctors have reduced dosages, it’s
become harder for addicts to get prescription painkillers, driving many
to get their fix off street drugs. Mexican cartels and big-city gangs
have capitalized on the shift, extending networks of dealers across the
U.S. and flooding the market with cheap heroin, according to law
Cartels have
begun lacing heroin with synthetic opioids including fentanyl, making a
dose more addictive and cheaper to produce. Overdose reversal shots are
helping addicts survive, often to use again, giving dealers a steady
supply of repeat customers. With persistent demand and increasingly wide
profit margins, 2017 is shaping up as the most profitable year ever for
the U.S. heroin trade.
Dealers give out free needles as perks to attract repeat heroin customers.
Photographer: Taylor Dorrell for Bloomberg Businessweek
are seeing an unbelievably sad and extensive heroin epidemic, and there
is no end in sight,” says Daniel Ciccarone, a medical doctor at the
University of California at San Francisco who studies the heroin market.
“We are not, in 2017, anywhere close to the top of this thing. Heroin
has a life force of its own.”
Cincinnati has emerged as a center
of the crisis. Dealers there are creative in marketing their product.
Local police say they’ve seen them text their customers to advertise
Sunday specials—two-for-ones and free samples, all set up on car hoods
in a park. Some dealers have scheduled business hours. Others throw
“testers” wrapped in paper slips printed with their phone number into
passing cars, hoping to hook new business.
fentanyl in a lab costs about the same as producing heroin, $3,000 or
$4,000 per kilogram, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration
spokesman. Once it’s diluted and retailed, fentanyl brings in
$1.2 million—more than twice the $500,000 a kilo of heroin commands.
make heroin, cartels need to grow poppies in fields that can be hard to
hide. All you need to make fentanyl is a lab, chemicals, and an able
chemist. Cartels often bring in fentanyl from Mexico, though it’s also
mail-ordered from China and shipped straight to the U.S. Police are
beginning to worry that suppliers could manufacture fentanyl
domestically. “With the potential that we’re going to see fentanyl labs
popping up everywhere, I think it’s going to get worse before it gets
better,” says Tim Reagan, a DEA agent in Cincinnati.
A lethal
fentanyl dose is 2 milligrams, the weight of a few grains of salt, and
addicts were wary of using it at first. Now many seek out what they call
“the fire” for a stronger high, says Cincinnati Police Sergeant Frank
Beavers, a plainclothes investigator. That’s made fentanyl into
something of a success story for its sellers: It kills some customers,
but those who survive end up with a more powerful addiction.
Mary Day (left); Officer Jason Lindsey at the house of an overdose victim who was dead on arrival.
Photographer: Taylor Dorrell for Bloomberg Businessweek
Day, a 27-year-old from Cincinnati, noticed synthetics creeping into
her heroin about three years ago. Her highs were suddenly more intense,
her cravings irresistible. “I would get sicker quicker, and if I
couldn’t get hold of one person and I got another person, their stuff
wasn’t as good, and I didn’t get as high,” says Day, a recovering addict
who says she’s been clean since April. “You have to chase it all day
Cartels have begun experimenting with even more powerful
synthetics. Among them are the elephant tranquilizer carfentanil, dubbed
“rhino” on the street, and another powerful synthetic sometimes flown
in from Hong Kong known as “pink.” Merely touching either can cause
someone without an opioid tolerance to overdose as it leaches through
the skin.
Carfentanil surfaced last summer, and police believe Cincinnati’s
dealers were among the first to sell it. Cincinnati’s District 3 police
began to find pink earlier this year, according to Beavers. The rise of
various synthetics has increased the death toll. Surrounding Hamilton
County saw a record 342 opioid-related overdose deaths last year and is
on its way to exceeding that number in 2017, the county coroner says.
no simple solution for heroin as long as it remains so profitable.
Local governments are providing law enforcement officials and even
addicts with nalaxone,
a drug that can reverse overdoses. But the drug doesn’t deal with
underlying addiction. What’s more, addicts of some new varieties of
opioids don’t respond to the treatment. China outlawed carfentanil
production in March, which U.S. authorities hope will cut down on the
Cincinnati police lug a box filled with drug paraphernalia confiscated at a suspected dealer’s home.
Photographer: Taylor Dorrell for Bloomberg Businessweek
Trump pledged during his campaign to take on the opioid epidemic, but
the House Republican health-care bill would slash funding to Medicaid—a
crucial funder of drug treatment programs. Trump’s draft budget would
also cut 95 percent of the funding
for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which
coordinates much of U.S. drug strategy. On May 6, the Office of
Management and Budget provided a list of federal drug prevention
programs in several agencies, indicating that changes to the drug policy
office may be part of a broader restructuring.
“Things are a
little bit in chaos at the federal level,” says Jason Doctor, an
associate professor at the University of Southern California’s School of
Pharmacy. “I agree in principle with the idea that we need to do
something differently, think creatively, or do something radical,”
Doctor says. “I’m not confident yet that the administration is doing
Officer Lindsey encountered two drug busts and an overdose in a single day.
Photographer: Taylor Dorrell for Bloomberg Businessweek
there’s hope for the crisis, it may rest in people like Day, who
committed to getting clean in April after watching a friend overdose on a
small hit—“seven grains of salt.” She tried to revive him with a shot
of nalaxone. It didn’t work. Emergency responders saved him, though
she’s not sure how.
“Some addicts want that drug that’s killing
everybody, because they want to get high or they hope they die,” says
Day, who leaves treatment on May 21. “I wasn’t like that. It’s like a
massive grave.”
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