Database System Concepts - SQL


SQL (Structured Query Language) is THE standard DML for relational database products. The query language is based on relational algebra, but borrows from tuple relational calculus.


• the data-definition language (DDL) - creating, deleting and modifying relation schemas

• the data-manipulation language (DML) - the query language

• modification of relations (insert, delete, update)

• integrity constraints (domain constraints and foreign keys)

• creation and use of views

• transaction control

• application programming

Five major standards have been defined for SQL:

• SQL-86

• SQL-89

• SQL-92

• SQL:1999

• SQL:2003

Each standard is essentially a superset of the previous ones. Most major commercial systems support essentially the SQL-92 standard along with some part of the SQL:1999 and SQL:2003 standards.

In the following examples, we continue to use the flyshop database with the following schema (primary  key attributes underlined):


schema name



(s  tocknum, pattern, size, color, inventory)


(c  ustnum, name, address)


(s  tocknum, manufacturer, length, lineweight, inventory)


(c  ustnum, s  tocknum, pdate)


(s  tocknum, c  ustnum)


(s  sn, name, address, salary)



1 Data Definition

In SQL, relations are created using the create table command:


create table r(A1D1, A2, D2, . . . , AnDn,<constraints>)


where r is the relation name, Ai is an attribute name, and Di is the domain of Ai. The <constraints> are optional and are described later. A newly created relation is empty.

The domains in SQL are:


domain type



strings of (user specified) length n


variable length strings of (user specified) maximum length n




smaller subset of integer

numeric(p, d)

fixed-point numbers with a maximum of p digits, with d to the

right of the decimal point


like float

double precision

like double


float with user specified precision n


includes year, month and day


in hours, minutes and seconds


combination of date and time

Table  1:  Domains in SQL


Example constants:

• date: ’2004-02-05’

• time: ’16:32’, ’16:32:30’

• timestamp: ’2004-02-05 16:32.00’

Dates,  times and timestamps can be compared with <,  = and so on.  Each type can be converted to the   others, and can be used in arithmetic expressions.

In DB2, timestamps must be written like: ’2004-02-05-16.32.00’

In DB2, the components (year, second, minute, day) etc. can be extracted from a date, time or timestamp using the name of the component. For example, if the pdate attribute of purchased is of type date, then the year of each purchase can be found by:


select year(pdate) from purchased


The ANSI standard uses the keyword extract for this purpose, i.e. extract(year from pdate).

In the create table command, any attribute can be declared to be not null, which makes the DBMS reject any insertion of a tuple with value null for that attribute. (Recall that null values are used for information that doesn’t exist or is not available.) The create table command can also include integrity constraints that tuples inserted into the relation (table) must satisfy. These integrity constraints include:

• primary key(A1, A2, . . . An)


which specifies that the set of attributes {A1, A2, . . . An} is the primary key of the relation

• unique(A1, A2, . . . An)


which specifies that the set of attributes {A1, A2, . . . An} is a candidate key for the relation

• check(P )


which specifies an arbitrary predicate P that every tuple inserted into the relation must satisfy. Example: the command to create the fly relation:


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