The Ransomware Meltdown Experts Warned About Is Here
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A new strain of ransomware
has spread quickly all over the world, causing crises in National
Health Service hospitals and facilities around England, and gaining
particular traction in Spain, where it has hobbled
the large telecom company Telefonica, the natural gas company Gas
Natural, and the electrical company Iberdrola. You know how people
always talk about the Big One? As far as ransomware attacks go, this looks a whole lot like it.
The ransomware strain WannaCry (also known as WanaCrypt0r and WCry)
that caused Friday’s barrage appears to be a new variant of a type that
first appeared in late March. This new version has only gained steam
since its initial barrage, with tens of thousands of infections in 74 countries
so far today as of publication time. Its reach extends beyond the UK
and Spain, into Russia, Taiwan, France, Japan, and dozens more
One reason WannaCry has proven so vicious? It seems to leverage a
Windows vulnerability known as EternalBlue that allegedly originated
with the NSA. The exploit was dumped into the wild last month in a trove of alleged NSA tools by the Shadow Brokers hacking group. Microsoft released a patch for the exploit, known as MS17-010, in March, but clearly many organizations haven’t caught up.
“The spread is immense,” says Adam Kujawa, the director of malware
intelligence at Malwarebytes, which discovered the original version of
WannaCry. “I’ve never seen anything before like this. This is nuts.”
A Bad Batch
Ransomware works by infecting a computer, locking users out of the
system (usually by encrypting the data on the hard drive), and then
holding the decryption or other release key ransom until the victim pays
a fee, usually in bitcoin. In this case, the NHS experienced hobbled
computer and phone systems, system failures, and widespread confusion
after hospital computers started showing a ransom message demanding $300
worth of bitcoin.
As a result of Friday’s infection, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and
other health care institutions in London and Northern England have had
to cancel non-urgent services and revert to backup procedures. Multiple
emergency rooms around England spread word that patients should avoid
coming in if possible. The situation doesn’t appear to have resulted in
any unauthorized access to patient data so far.
In England, the National Health Service said that it is rushing to
investigate and mitigate the attack, and UK news outlets reported that
hospital personnel have been instructed to do things like shut down
computers and larger IT network services. Other victims, like Telefonica
in Spain, are taking similar precautions, telling employees to shut
down infected computers while they wait for instructions about
Hospitals make for popular ransomware victims
because they have an urgent need to restore service for their patients.
They may therefore be more likely to pay criminals to reinstate
systems. They also often make for relatively easy targets.
“In healthcare and other sectors we tend to be very slow to address
these vulnerabilities,” says Lee Kim, the director of privacy and
security at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society.
“But whoever is behind this is clearly extremely serious.”
WannaCry didn’t go after NHS alone, though. “This attack was not
specifically targeted at the NHS and is affecting organizations from
across a range of sectors,” the NHS said in a statement. “Our focus is
on supporting organizations to manage the incident swiftly and
In some ways, that makes things worse. WannaCry’s not just coming for
hospitals; it’s coming for whatever it can. Which means this’ll get
worse—a lot worse—before it gets better.
Wide Range
The NHS portion of the attack has rightly been drawing the most
focus, because it puts human lives at risk. But WannaCry could continue
to expand its range indefinitely, because it exploits at least one
vulnerability that has persisted unprotected on many systems two months
after Microsoft released a patch. Adoption is likely better on consumer
devices, so Malwarebytes’ Kujawa says that WannaCry is mostly a concern
for business infrastructure.
The creators of WannaCry seem to have developed it with broad,
long-term reach in mind. In addition to the Windows server vulnerability
from Shadow Brokers, MalwareHunter, a researcher with the
MalwareHunterTeam analysis group who discovered the second generation of
WannaCry, says that “probably there are more” vulnerabilities the
ransomware can take advantage of as well. The software can also run in
27 languages—the type of development investment an attacker wouldn’t
make if he were simply trying to target one hospital or bank. Or even
one country.
The spread is immense. I’ve never seen anything before like this. This is nuts. Adam Kujawa, Malwarebytes
It’s equally bad on a more micro level. Once WannaCry enters a
network, it can spread around to other computers on that same network, a
typical trait of ransomware that maximizes the damage to companies and
institutions. It’s also unclear so far exactly where the
attacks originated, making it harder to remediate on a large scale.
Security analysts will eventually be able to use information from
victims about how attackers were able to first get in (things like
phishing, malvertising, or more personalized targeted attacks) to trace
the origins.
While it’s likely too late for those already impacted (the question
for them now is whether to pay or not), there is a way to provide at
least some protection from WannaCry before it hits: Get that Microsoft update ASAP. Or, since it’s a server-level patch, find the nearest sysadmin who can.
“I would say it’s having so much ‘success’ because people and companies aren’t patching their systems,” MalwareHunter says.
Until they do, expect WannaCry to keep spreading. And make sure you’re ready before the next big ransomware wave hits.
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