Database - Sample Questions

 1) One of the goals of database management is to secure information against system failure or tampering. Discus.

2) Give an example of data integrity problems.

 Define the following terms: (i) database, (ii) DBMS, (iii) entities and

    relationships (iv) backup and recovery and (v) transaction processing


3) (a) What are the main types of action involved in databases?      

    (b) Briefly discuss each.       

    (c) Discuss the capabilities that should be provided by a DBMS.    


(a) What is a file?

(b) What are the terms commonly used in discussing structure of a file?

(c) How can you distinguish one file from another?

(d) What do you understand by file attributes?

(e) List out and describe the attributes a file could possess.

5) (a)What is file organization?

(b)What is the relationship between file organization and access method?

(c) What are the important issues to consider when selecting a file organization?

6) (a) What is a file management system?

(b) What are the objectives of a file management system?

(c) List the different operations supported by a file management system.


(a) Define the following terms: (i) data model (ii) database schema (iii) DDL (iv) DML

        (v) query language  

        (b) Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from the   

         traditional file systems.

8) A. Explain directory structure and its practical applications.   

B. What is the difference between absolute pathname and relative pathname?   

C. List some of the strategies that can be used in free space fragmentation.

 9) A. How can access to files in networked environment be controlled?

B. Differentiate between the following with regards to files operations:   

           (i) Truncating (ii) deleting

C. Outline and discuss briefly the various access rights that can be granted to a file user.









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