This Is How To Be Productive: 4 Secrets From The Stoics
Everybody would like to get more of the right things done. But how does Stoicism fit into all of this? The word “productivity” seems new and sleek and shiny. And Stoicism is old. Really old. Like older-than-grandpa-old. I have news for you: Facebook and email may be recent but people have always wasted time. And smart people have been thinking about how to stop doing it for almost as long. Most productivity advice is focused on work. Following it makes you feel like you’re turning into a machine. Nobody wants to be a Transformer. (On second thought, being a Transformer would be pretty cool, but you get my point.) A more philosophical approach to getting stuff done is nice because sometimes the things you wanna do aren’t work. You wanna see friends, have fun, and all the stuff that gets shoved off the calendar by work. And as we’ll see, the Stoics’ ideas are actually backed by a lot of modern science and expert advice. Alrighty then, t...